Hillingdon Friends of the Earth

climate action Sub Groups


There are five subgroups which cover the aspects of Climate Action defined by Friends of the Earth These are:


Consumption & Waste

Power & Energy

Trres, Landuse & Food



There are separate pages for each subgroup.


To contact the Hillingdon Climate Action Group coordinator, please go to the contacts page.


For further information please see https://takeclimateaction.uk/


Want to join the discussion? Enter your ideas at Your Priorities.

climate action


Hillingdon Climate Action Group is part of Hillingdon Friends of the Earth local group.The group has recently submitted a response to Hillingdon’s Council’s consultation on a draft Strategic Climate Change Action Plan.  We are pleased that the Council has proposed commitments extending somewhat beyond those in the Council’s declaration of a climate emergency in January 2020.  We are, though, disappointed about a number of limitations in, and omissions from, the draft Plan.

The plan should include a target to make the whole of the Borough at least net zero, not just the Council, with actions developed that ensure this can be delivered.  It is also really important to address the nature emergency as well as the climate emergency.  Reducing carbon emissions to as near zero as possible should be the aim for all, without reliance on unrealistic possibilities for carbon offsetting.  More ambitious action than currently proposed is needed in Hillingdon to meet these objectives, with the Council fully committed to providing leadership on addressing the climate and nature emergencies.  Many of the actions we support should also help deliver sustainable development, and aid recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic in Hillingdon.  Actions do, though, need to be developed with full and effective engagement with all parts of the community in Hillingdon, including the people and communities most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

We very much hope that the Council is inspired by our detailed response to develop a much bolder strategic plan and actions in the future aimed at reaching near zero emissions across the whole of Hillingdon. If you would like to read more about what we have said, you can do so here.  Although our response is quite lengthy, it does start with just 3 pages of key points, including on the seven themes set out in the Council’s draft Strategic Plan.

You can download Hillingdon Council's revised Climate Action Plan here.

You can download Friends of the Earth's 50 Point Action Plan for Councils from their website on this page.